A starting point for many productions, the Electronic Business Unit is structured both for internal productions and external customers who rely on our assembly lines. ESSEBI is highly competitive in terms of costs and delivery times thanks to the monitoring system of the production slots and modern equipment with a very high qualitative standard combined to the highest staff´s flexibility.

The SMD mounting section has two mirror lines able to operate both in parallel and in cross-process mode or sequential, depending on line´s load and delivery time requests. The decision to standardize SMD assembly Pick&Place lines on Fuji, a top level brand for this technology,  has allowed the achievement of high level of standardization of assembly programs with the assurance to provide the customer with the best in terms of process accuracy and repeatability . Service without technical disruptions giving  as follow_up  a cost-per welded unit very competitive even compared to the far east countries.

Same company policy has been adopted for reflowing section: two top of the range furnaces, with thermal profiles fitting  most complex boards, guarantee a constant and controlled production flow, minimize delays or non-compliance risks even on more sophisticated production.

The PTH mounting section is dedicated, with a highly specialised staff, to traditional fittings. Board’s completion, wave soldering, optical inspection and boards testing  are managed in specific steps  agreeded internally or in cooperation with the customer, in order to achieve the quality levels required and to optimize costs. Productive cycle customization allows ESSEBI dealing with massive or small specialized productions in a very cost-effective way.

ESSEBI owns a wide range of devices for all the final control activities, specific or configurable, such as SPEA and TEC parametric tester devices, customized designed tools, leading brands´ measuring instruments and identification and labelling systems for every need.

As for all the ESSEBI´s production areas, the Electronic Business Unit is able to cooperate with the customer to optimize both  the production process (DFM – Design for Manufacturing) as well as the successive testing steps both parametric and functional (DFT – Design for Testability) and to maintain a level of documentation compatible with internal and  customers' quality system.

Thanks to this wide range of equipment, to a skilled staff with extensive experience and to a purchasing department highly orientated to costs optimization and quick response, ESSEBI is also able to provide a rapid, economic, dynamic and proactive prototyping service, very much appreciated in the new products first phases.